Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park and Moreton Island Recreation Area Quandamooka Country Brisbane

National park management with traditional owners

Mulgumpin’s national park and recreation area is jointly managed between the island’s traditional owners and native title holders, the Quandamooka People, and the Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. Photo credit: © Bianca Holderness

Gheebulum Kunungai – ‘lightnings’ playground’

Mulgumpin’s national park was renamed in 2021 to Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park to reflect its strong cultural and historical significance. Gheebulum Kunungai means ‘lightnings’ playground’ in the language of the Quandamooka people. Photo credit: istock

Review of protected area management plan

The long-term plan for managing and conserving the natural and cultural values of Mulgumpin’s protected areas, including the national park and recreation area, is currently under review. Read more about this process and how you can keep informed. Photo credit: © Tourism and Events Queensland

Native title on Mulgumpin

Find out more information and background about native title on Mulgumpin held by the Quandamooka People, the island’s traditional owners and custodians. Photo credit: Maxime Coquard © Tourism and Events Queensland

Bookings and permits

Permits to drive or camp in Mulgumpin’s recreation area are booked and managed through Mulgumpin Camping. Photo credit: © Bianca Holderness

Review of the Moreton Island National Park, Cape Moreton Conservation Park and Moreton Island Recreation Area Management Plan

Moreton Island National Park was renamed to Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park in 2021 to reflect the Quandamooka people’s traditional name for the island. The revised management plan will include the new name.

Why is the management plan for Mulgumpin’s protected areas being reviewed?

The Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA) and the Recreation Areas Management Act 2007 (RAM) require that a management instrument be prepared for each protected area to guide how the area is managed. In the case of Mulgumpin, it is being reviewed as a statutory management plan that:

  • identifies the park’s key natural and cultural values and
  • proposes strategies for day-to-day and long-term management to protect those values.

Management plans are generally reviewed every 10 years.

The review of the Moreton Island Management Plan 2007 was held in abeyance while the native title determination was resolved to ensure it would reflect native title determination outcomes.

Indigenous joint management arrangements

In recognition of strong and continuing cultural connections, the Quandamooka People and the Queensland Government have entered into a perpetual partnership through a joint management arrangement, ensuring that both the natural and cultural values of the island’s protected areas are conserved for the benefit of all.

Joint management has a legislative basis under the NCA and provides an equal role for Quandamooka People in park operational decision-making and the management planning process.

On Mulgumpin, this includes the joint management of designated protected areas as Indigenous Joint Management Areas (IJMAs) managed in accordance with an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) and Indigenous Management Agreement (IMA). A key deliverable of the IMA is a jointly prepared management plan under section 112 of the NCA.

What will the new management plan cover?

The management planning process will review the Moreton Island Management Plan 2007 (PDF, 868.6KB) and will be replaced by a new plan developed under the Values Base Management Framework. The new plan will look and feel the same as the current Naree Budjong Djara National Park on Minjerribah (North Stradbroke Island).

The planning area will include the protected areas on Mulgumpin:

  • Gheebulum Kunungai (Moreton Island) National Park
  • Cape Moreton Conservation Park
  • Moreton Island Recreation Area.

Freehold and leasehold land is excluded from the protected area management plan.

What will the plan do?

The management plan:

  • identifies the park’s key natural and cultural values, and threats to those values, including:
    • Indigenous cultural heritage and landscape values
    • significant ecosystems
    • habitat for significant species
    • cultural heritage
    • recreational opportunities
  • proposes strategic direction for day-to-day and long-term management to maintain or improve the condition of those values and protect them from threatening processes including:
    • fire
    • pest
    • visitor impacts

When will the draft plan be available for comment?

When the drafting stage is completed towards the end of 2022, a draft plan will be released for public comment.

How and when can I be involved?

You can register your email at the address below to be notified when the plan becomes available, and instructions will be provided on how to provide comments on the draft plan.

How long will the plan be made available for public comment?

The management plan will be available for public comment for 10 weeks.

Who will be consulted?

Key stakeholders such as commercial operators, special interest groups, other government departments and the community.

Where do I find out more about native title on Mulgumpin (Moreton Island)?

Quandamooka native title was recognised for Mulgumpin (Moreton Island) in 2019. Read more about native title on Mulgumpin (PDF, 776.1KB) .

  • There are currently no park alerts for this park.