Nest to Ocean projects and grant recipients

    Successful grant recipients—Round seven

    Three projects will receive new funding from the Australian and Queensland Government’s contribution to the Nest to Ocean program and will share $957, 000 to protect marine turtles, their clutches and hatchlings. Round seven Nest to Ocean programs include:

    • Burnett Mary Regional Group—$218,425 for the project titled: Taking Turtles Off the Menu.
    • Cape York Natural Resource Management—$539,000 for the project titled: Western Cape York Turtle Nest Monitoring.
    • Aak Puul Ngantam (APN)—$199,500 for the project titled: Southern Wik Turtle Protection.

    Successful grant recipients—Round six

    Five projects will receive new funding from the Queensland Government’s contribution to the Nest to Ocean program and will share $711,253.87 protect marine turtles, their clutches and hatchlings. Round six Nest to Ocean programs include:

    • Burnett Mary Regional Group—$149,732 for the project titled: Taking Turtles Off the Menu along the Wongarra Coast. The project will restore nesting beach habitat, undertake marine debris removal and aim to reduce residential and light pollution (low glow program).
    • Cape York Natural Resource Management—$164,984 for the project titled: Reducing Predation on Marine Turtle Nests in North Western Cape York.
    • Whitsunday Regional Council—$83,820 for the project titled: Whitsunday Turtle Nesting Protection and Awareness Activation. The project will reduce the impact of predators, build awareness at nesting beaches and install nest protection mesh.
    • Aak Puul Ngantam (APN)—$150,001 for the project titled: Southern Wik Turtle Protection. The project will deliver a Turtle Education Program for schools in Aurukun.
    • Gidarjil Development Corporation—$162,716 for the project titled: Caring for Turtles of Port Curtis Coral Coast. The project will remove marine debris from important nesting locations and monitor fox populations.

    Successful grant recipients—Round five

    Three priority location projects will receive continued funding from the remaining funds in order to maintain and extend the work undertaken in previous rounds.

    • Burnett Mary Regional Group—$110,000 for the project titled: Proactive Fox Control: Taking Turtles Off the Menu.
    • Cape York Natural Resource Management—$356,400 for the project titled: Western Cape York Turtle Nest Monitoring.
    • Aak Puul Ngantam (APN)—$143,000—for the project titled: Southern Wik Turtle Protection.

    Successful grant recipients—Round four

    Five priority location projects will receive continued funding from the remaining funds in order to maintain and extend the work undertaken in previous rounds.

    • Burnett Mary Regional Group—$268,000 for the project titled: Proactive Fox Control: Taking Turtles Off the Menu.
    • Cape York Natural Resource Management—$539,000 for the project titled: Western Cape York Turtle Nest Monitoring.
    • Aak Puul Ngantam (APN)—$305,000 for the project titled: Southern Wik Turtle Protection.
    • Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service—$50,000 for the project titled: Beyond the Beaches Turtle Conservation.

    Successful grant recipients—Round three

    Approximately $1.1 million under round three of the Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program will be used for three predator control and turtle monitoring projects in the Torres Strait.

    Cape York Natural Resource Management (NRM) will expand and continue turtle monitoring and feral pig control activities by Pormpuraaw, Kowanyama, Napranum, Mapoon and Apudthama rangers. The Torres Strait Regional Authority (TSRA) will monitor hawksbills to determine key nesting sites and level of predation, and pig control will also be undertaken on Gebar Island. Traditional owners, the Aak Puul Ngantam (APN) Cape York, will continue turtle monitoring program and feral pig control on country south of Aurukun.

    • Cape York Natural Resource Management—$219,736 for the project titled: Western Cape York Turtle Nest Monitoring and Protection Expansion.
    • Aak Puul Ngantam (APN)—$435,000 for the project titled: Southern Wik Turtle Protection.
    • Torres Strait Regional Authority—$537,075 for the project titled: Hawksbill Turtle Monitoring Project.

    Successful grant recipients—Round two

    Four predator control and turtle monitoring projects will share in approximately $2.1 million under Round two of the Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program—a joint initiative by the State and Federal governments.

    The projects will increase turtle hatchling success rates and reduce predation by feral pigs and foxes at turtle rookeries on Cape York and the Burnett Coastline. The projects also enhance and further build partnerships with Traditional Owner land and sea management groups, and natural resource managers. The funded projects will implement a variety of control methods, including aerial baiting, shooting and trapping, as well innovative solutions such as trialing drones to monitor remote, inaccessible beaches and investigating feral pig population dynamics.

    • Kowanyama Aboriginal Shire Council—$129,250 for the project titled: Kowanyama Nest to Ocean Turtle Research Program Topsy to South Mitchell River.
    • Cape York Natural Resource Management group—$1,059,023 for the project titled: Reducing Predation on Marine Turtle Nests in Western Cape York.
    • Burnett Mary River Regional Group—$659,359 for the project titled: Proactive Fox Control Taking Turtles off the Menu.
    • Kalan Aboriginal Corporation—$270,825 for the project titled: Bringing Turtle Hatchlings Back to the Long Beaches of East Coast Cape York.

    Successful grant recipients—Round one

    Nine high quality projects will share in approximately $2 million under Round one of the Nest to Ocean Turtle Protection Program—a joint initiative by the State and Federal governments.

    Funded projects will increase turtle hatchling success rates and reduce predation from predator species. The projects also enhance and further build partnerships with Traditional Owners and land and sea management groups. Projects also incorporate innovative ideas for predator control.

    The funded projects focus on a variety of control methods, including aerial baiting, shooting and trapping, as well as long term solutions that provide an enduring legacy for future generations of turtle hatchlings across key priority rookeries. Under the program a total of $7 million is available over four years to fund successful projects.

    • Balkanu Cape York Development Corporation—$190,575 for the project titled: Enhancing Sea Turtle Nest Survival Rates by Nest Protection and Predator Control.
    • Cape York Natural Resource Management—$355,509 for the project titled: Coordinated Turtle Threat Abatement along Western Cape York Peninsula.
    • Carpentaria Land Council Aboriginal Corporation—$373,644 for the project titled: Nest to Ocean: Feral Pig Management along the Coastlines of the South Gulf Carpentaria and South Western Cape.
    • Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service—$118,400 for the project titled: Beyond the Beaches Turtle Conservation.
    • Hinchinbrook Shire Community Feral Pig Management Program—$110,000 for the project titled: Effective Management of Coastal Feral Pig Populations in the Hinchinbrook Shire for the Protection of Turtles and their Habitat.
    • Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service—$230,262 for the project titled: Protection of nesting Marine Turtles from Pig Predation on the East Coast of Cape York from Temple Bay to the Escape River.
    • Gunggandji PBC Aboriginal Corporation—$110,000 for the project titled: Gunggandji Turtle Nest Monitoring and Feral Animal Management Project
    • University of Queensland School of Biological Sciences—$177,352 for the project titled: Controlling Goanna Predation of Loggerhead Turtle Nests at the Wreck Rock Rookery South East Queensland.
    • Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service—$285,000 for the project titled: Feral Pig Management Bundaberg and Gladstone Coastline.