Tregole National Park Outback Queensland

Tregole National Park. Photo credit: © Karen Smith

In semi-arid, south-western Queensland, Tregole National Park straddles the boundary between two of the state’s natural regions, the brigalow belt and the mulga lands.

The park protects a small, almost pure stand of ooline Cadellia pentastylis, an attractive dry rainforest tree dating back to the Ice Ages. Ooline has been extensively cleared and is now uncommon and considered vulnerable to extinction. Tregole’s ooline forest survives in the less than ideal semi-arid conditions.

Mulga grows on the ridges while poplar box woodlands cover the alluvial plains, brigalow woodlands grow on areas with heavy clay soils and Mitchell grasslands are found on the park’s undulating plains.


Located in Outback Queensland, only 11km south-west of Morven.

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Park facilities

  • Barbecue (wood/fuel/coin)
  • No campfires
  • Picnic tables
  • Toilets
  • No camping
  • Walking

  • There are currently no park alerts for this park.