Queensland National Park Investment Prioritisation Framework

Strategic Priority 1 of Queensland’s Protected Area Strategy 2020–2030: Grow seeks to deliver an expanded Queensland protected area system that safeguards biodiversity and cultural values, protects threatened species and builds climate change resilience while creating economic benefits.

The National Park Investment Prioritisation Framework guides the strategic prioritisation of land for addition to the public protected area estate. The framework guides and shapes decisions by providing a consistent, transparent and evidence-based methodology for identifying, assessing, selecting and prioritising potential land acquisitions or transfers of new areas.

The framework ensures national park expansion occurs in a considered, transparent and effective manner that represents value for money to Queenslanders. It outlines:

  • objectives and principles to guide decision-making with regards to acquisition selection and implementation
  • the legislative and policy context of decision-making
  • key considerations in the strategic selection, assessment and prioritisation of and for acquisition
  • governance, monitoring and reporting requirements.

Read the full framework (PDF, 3.1MB) or the two-page summary (PDF, 146.9KB) .