Marine turtles breeding season

1 November 2023 to 30 April 2024
25 October 2023 8:02am

This alert applies to the following parks:

From November to April, you may see turtles crossing the beach to lay their eggs or hatchlings making their way to the water for the first time. Motorists and visitors to Cooloola and Inskip Peninsula Recreation Areas are asked to minimise disturbance and human impacts on this important breeding ground for marine turtles.

Motorists should exercise caution and look out for turtles and turtle hatchlings when traversing on the beach, and plan to travel at low tide, if safe to do so. If turtles are making their way across the beach, motorists should slow down, stop and wait for the turtles to reach the ocean or the dunes, before continuing to drive. 

Avoid driving on the beach at night, if possible, as this is when turtles will lay their eggs, and hatchlings are most likely to be emerging.

At night, artificial lights can affect a turtle’s ability to see the natural horizon over the ocean. Hatchlings can easily become disoriented, veer from their natural path and head towards the artificial light. During the breeding season you can help cut the glow of lights affecting beaches by switching off unnecessary lights, shade lights to reduce the illuminated area, and only use a small torch (less than 100 lumens) on the beach.

Remember, driving over vegetated dunes is dangerous and prohibited. It is damaging to the environment and can impact turtle nests.

On-the-spot fines may apply to visitors disturbing turtle hatchlings or turtle nests.

Observe all signage, barriers and directions from rangers.

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