Mariala National Park Outback Queensland

Photo credit: Robert Ashdown © Queensland Government

About Mariala

    Park features

    Deep red earths in the east of the park support soft mulga Acacia aneura communities—where mulga can reach up to 10 metres in height. Hard mulga communities grow on the ranges and skeletal soils in the western part of the park, where mulga rarely grows above four metres in height. Mulga forms communities with mountain yupunyah Eucalyptus thozetiana, Dawson gum E. cambageana, poplar box E. populnea and a number of wattles Acacia spp.

    Mulga, along with other wattles, improves the low-nutrient soils of Mariala by making and returning nitrogen to the soil. Species of significance include a rare Hakea, which has only been recorded in the Adavale-Cheepie area of Queensland, and bowyakka Acacia microsperma, which is not well represented in other parks.

    Looking after the park

    Help preserve this park’s natural and cultural values by following these few common sense rules:

    • Leave everything as you find it. This includes plants, animals, rocks and artefacts.
    • Firearms and other weapons must not be used in national parks.
    • Leave your pets at home. Pets frighten wildlife, annoy other visitors, can become lost and are prohibited in the park.
    • Take care with fire. Clear away any flammable material for a metre around campfires and ensure your fire is out before you leave.
    • Bury toilet waste at least 15cm deep and 150m from any watercourse. Toilet paper is slow to break down in arid areas, so please burn toilet paper, if it is safe to do so.
    • Use fuel stoves to reduce the need for firewood. Wood provides homes for wildlife and nutrients for the soil.
    • Please remove your rubbish from the park and leave campsites clean and tidy.
    • Do not contaminate water courses with detergents, soap, shampoo or human waste.

    See the guidelines on caring for parks for more information about protecting our environment and heritage in parks.

    Park management

    The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service manages Mariala National Park under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

    Tourism information links

    Blackall-Tambo Regional Council/Visitor Information Centre
    6 Coronation Drive, Blackall Queensland 4472
    ph (07) 4657 4637
    fax (07) 4657 4913
    email or

    Charleville Visitor Information Centre
    Charleville Cosmos Centre
    Qantas Drive, Charleville Qld 4470
    ph (07) 4654 7771

    For information on road conditions contact

    For tourism information for all regions in Queensland see Queensland Holidays.

    • There are currently no park alerts for this park.