Review and appeals

The Queensland Government aims to provide you with high quality service delivery. If you are not satisfied with our delivery, services, products, decision or actions and you have not been able to resolve the matter with our staff, you can lodge a feedback form to make a complaint. Any complaint lodged with the department will initiate a preliminary review by senior staff who may be able to resolve the matter.

If the matter relates to a reviewable decision under the Nature Conservation Act 1992 (NCA), Forestry Act 1959 (FA), Recreation Areas Management Act 2006 (RAMA) or Marine Parks Act 2004 (MPA), and you are dissatisfied by the results of a preliminary review, or, you seek a statutory review of the decision in the first instance, you may request a statutory internal review using the approved form.

An application for an internal review of a reviewable decision must be lodged with the department within 28 days after the day the decision is given.

If you are dissatisfied by the department’s internal review there is an option to ask the Queensland Ombudsman’s Office to review the department’s decision.

If you are dissatisfied with the findings from the departmental internal review or any Ombudsman’s review, or you wish to have the decision reviewed externally in the first place, you can file an application to the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) for review. Time limits and fees apply to QCAT applications under the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 2009. The QCAT external review jurisdiction is not available for decisions under the FA.

The Supreme Court of Queensland is the highest jurisdiction in Queensland for judicial review of government decisions, including hearing any appeals from QCAT. Any person aggrieved by an administrative decision, the conduct of the person who made the decision or a failure to make a decision may apply to the court for a statutory order of review. Time limits apply to applications for review under the Judicial Review Act 1974. Fees apply for filing an originating process or an appeal in the Supreme Court.