Monitoring and managing potential impacts

The Government is committed to protecting ecological values in national parks. A detailed monitoring plan, oversighted by independent scientists, will ensure that any harmful impacts are readily identified and addressed.

The department will adapt its management practices to address impacts where identified. Management plans will also be developed appropriate to areas and their particular ecological needs.

A number of on-site strategies have been employed to address sites affected by recreational impacts, including:

  • fencing critical habitats
  • hardening of track surfaces
  • improving drainage
  • establishing silt traps and other infrastructure
  • providing designated watering areas for horses
  • restricted use of trails
  • temporary closure of trails.

Horse Trails Scientific Monitoring Program

The Horse Trails Scientific Monitoring Program (PDF, 904.9KB) objective is to monitor horse riding on the South East Queensland Horse Riding Trail Network through South East Queensland protected areas and identify any impacts of such use and recommend management actions to address such impacts.

Technical reports