Horse riding strategic framework

Horse riding is allowed within a national park when the activity is permitted by a regulatory notice under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

A horse riding strategic framework (PDF, 531.5KB) has been developed to guide the selection and subsequent management of horse riding trails through national parks, although it can also be applied to other Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) managed areas. The framework provides a consistent approach to identifying trails and infrastructure requirements as well as providing management objectives and strategies for dealing with issues such as environmental protection, visitor conflict on multi-use trails and minimising risks.


Six overarching principles assist in identifying and approving horse riding trails within national parks and the subsequent management of these trails.

The guiding principles are supported by management objectives and strategies.

  1. Natural and cultural values of national parks are not compromised by horse riding trails.
  2. There is a genuine demand for horse trails in the area.
  3. Introduction of horse riding into national parks is on designated, formed QPWS-managed roads only and, where possible, provides connectivity to existing horse trails.
  4. Horse riding trails closed during the forest transfer process will be investigated for reopening.
  5. Potential conflict with other existing recreational user groups is minimised.
  6. Trails are suitable and safe for horse riding.

Scientific monitoring

A detailed scientific monitoring program to measure potential social and biophysical impacts from horse riding was introduced as part of the South East Queensland Horse Trail Network.